Staging for Initial Connectivity


To manually configure a router that has yet to connect to its intended cellular network in order to speed up the out-of-box experience for remote deployments.


Accelerated routers leverage a standardized list of known APNs (per carrier) that enable auto-discovery for initial network connectivity. Non-standard APNs should be programmed manually, and doing so can also decrease the registration time of standard APNs when they are known. Since the router has yet to establish an Internet connection, this configuration change is accomplished leveraging the local web UI. Alternatively, an active Internet connection can be connected via the router's WAN port to bring it online independent of engaging the cellular connection.

Staging via WAN Port

Instead of manipulating local device settings, Accelerated routers can be brought online using an alternative Internet connection over its WAN Ethernet port. The router will sync with its aView configuration template once online, meaning non-standard APNs and other settings can be pushed to the device using the WAN port (which then allows the device to connect as intended via its cellular modem).

Confirming aView Config

Before bringing the device online for the first time, it is best to validate that a group configuration is linked to the router in Accelerated View. To do so, browse to the device (by clicking on its MAC address) and navigate to the Configuration tab. A Group Configuration should be populated by default, indicating that the device is properly linked to its template.

If "No Configuration" is populated, try selecting one from the corresponding pull-down menu. If there aren't any selections available, a new configuration template may need to be created/ duplicated.

Connecting the Ethernet WAN

Once connected to the Internet, the router sync with its assigned configuration. Any changes will be captured in the Events/ Raw Events log.

Local Staging

The local UI can be accessed using a standard web browser, and provides a limited selection of router settings by default (full settings are available after disabling central management). Enter the cellular connection's APN here to ensure it connects to the intended cellular network properly.

Accessing the Local UI

  1. Connect to the router via WiFi or its LAN Ethernet port.
  2. Browse to the router's Default Gateway address -- this will be per the default settings on most devices.
  3. Proceed past the warning that the connection is not private.
  4. Authenticate to the router using the admin credentials -- root/ default unless it has been otherwise changed.
  5. Navigate to the Configuration tab.
  1. Specify the APN in the corresponding field.
  2. Enabling APN lock will force the router to only attempt to connect on the specified APN. This should be used as a last resort, assuming the device doesn't connect to the programmed APN, only after verifying the APN configuration with your cellular carrier.

Verifying APN Attempts

  1. Once the APN has been specified, navigate to the System Logs menu.
  2. Press ctrl + F to search for APN or the specified APN from step #5 above.

If APN lock wasn't enabled per the process above, the router will attempt to connect to the specified APN and move on to the list of known APNs associated with the carrier if it is unable to connect successfully.

Should this occur, and the APN has been verified to be accurate, enable APN lock. This will force the router to exclusively attempt to connect using the specified APN, which can help the device overcome any potential timing issues on the cellular network (assuming the APN has been verified as valid per the SIM's provisioning).