Offline Cellular Connectivity Test


Our 63xx-series line of routers utilize the Active Recovery feature to perform connectivity tests on live Internet connections, both wired and cellular, to determine failover conditions.  However, these  tests are only performed when the WAN connection is up.  In the case of cellular WAN interfaces, the connection could be offline or connecting, in which case the scheduled Active Recovery tests are not executed.

In some scenarios, the cellular modem may be stuck connecting due to a registration error, the cellular network throttling the connection, a stale activation, or the modem may be stuck on the wrong CNTI.  Any of the above issues are typically fixed by resetting the embedded modem inside the 63xx-series router.  This can be automatically done via a custom script on the 63xx-series router to perform a cellular connectivity test on the modem, regardless of whether it's offline or online, and then resetting the modem if that test fails a specified number of times.

See example setup below.  This script, when setup in the configuration profile as shown below, will perform a connectivity test once every 20 minutes, regardless of whether the cellular modem has an Internet connection or not.  If those connectivity tests fail four times in a row, then the script will automatically reset the cellular modem inside the 63xx-series router, and start its connection process over again.

Config Setup

Minimum firmware: 18.1.29

Create a new custom script under System -> Scheduled tasks -> custom scripts, and enter in the following.   Adjust the Interval to the desired interval you would like this script to run.


# Minimum firmware version:

# Test the cellular connection with a ping test.  Keep a count of failed tests.
# If this test fails for four times in a row, then reset the modem.

# Adjustable settings
ping_server1=''                          # where we perform the ping tests to
ping_server2=''                                  # where we perform the ping tests to
test_server1=''                       # where we perform the HTTP tests to
test_server2=''                               # where we perform the HTTP tests to
fail_count_file='/tmp/custom_cell_test_fail_count.txt'  # local file that stores the number of consecutive failed tests
fail_count_limit='4'                                    # number of concurrent failures that can occur before resetting
fail_count_limit2='8'                                   # number of concurrent failures that can occur before powering modem off/on

test_failed() {
  echo "$try" > "$fail_count_file"
  accns_log w config "custom: cell test failed ($1 - try $try)"

test_passed() {
  rm -f "$fail_count_file"
  # Note: uncomment the following line if you want to log successful tests
  accns_log w config "custom: cell test to $1 passed"

try=$(cat "$fail_count_file" 2> /dev/null)

# make sure $try is an integer. set to zero if not
case $try in

# do the connectivity test
if ! modem cli 2>&1 | grep -q "connected"; then
  test_failed "Modem does not have cell connection"
elif ping -q -c 1 -W 10 -s 1 "$ping_server1" > /dev/null; then
  test_passed "$ping_server1"
elif ping -q -c 1 -W 10 -s 1 "$ping_server2" > /dev/null; then
  test_passed "$ping_server2"
elif curl -sfkLm 60 "https://$test_server1" > /dev/null; then
  test_passed "$test_server1"
elif curl -sfkLm 60 "https://$test_server2" > /dev/null; then
  test_passed "$test_server2"
  test_failed "ping failure to $ping_server1,$ping_server2 and HTTP failure to $test_server1,$test_server2"

# reset if failed test count is greater than specified limit
if [ "$try" -ge "$fail_count_limit" ]; then
  # note, that we don't reset the fail count. If we fail next attempt, try to reset again.
  modem reset

#power off/on modem if failed test count is greater than specified limit2
if [ "$try" -ge "$fail_count_limit2" ]; then
  # note, that we don't reset the fail count. If we fail next attempt, try to reset again.
  sleep 30
  sim -O
  sleep 10
  sim -o
Click to copy

NOTE: The threshold for resetting the modem is determined by the script's fail_count_limit multiplied by the Interval set in the device configuration.