Adjusting Alerts for Downed Devices


To adjust how long it takes before a router is flagged as offline in Accelerated View.


Routers in aView are flagged as down after a specified duration after missing its regular check-in. This "specified duration" is indicated in aView as the Grace Period Duration, and the check-in interval is designated as its Heartbeat. Their default values are 109 minutes and 30 minutes, respectively, meaning the combination of these values -- 139 minutes -- is the default duration before an offline device is flagged as down. Adjusting either value will widen or narrow this window.

Heartbeat Interval + Grace Period = Duration Before Flagged as "Down"

Adjusting the Heartbeat

  1. Navigate to either the individual router's configuration tab or the group configuration template in need of adjusting.
  2. Looking at the router settings, expand System > Log.
  3. Change the Heartbeat interval -- increasing or decreasing its value from the current number will adjust the delay in reporting a device as down accordingly.
  4. Click Save to finalize the configuration change.


In the example above, the router will check in over syslog every 5 minutes. Should a device miss its check in, aView will flag the router as "down" if it does not check back in before the grace period expires (which has a default value of 109 minutes).

Adjusting the Grace Period

  1. Navigate to either the individual router's configuration tab or the group configuration template in need of adjusting.
  2. Note that the Grace Period Duration is blank by default; its value is 109 minutes.
  3. Increasing or decreasing this value from 109 will adjust the delay in reporting a device as down accordingly.
  4. Click Save to finalize the configuration change.

In the example above, aView will wait 5 minutes after a router has missed sending its heartbeat (which defaults to a 30-minute interval) before flagging a device as "down."