Firewall Settings

Both the 6330-MX and 6335-MX can function as a stateful firewall. Options for the MX-series firewall configuration leverage two key security measures:

Port Forwarding

Remote computers can access applications or services hosted on a local network with the Accelerated SR-series router by setting up port forwarding. It provides mapping instructions that direct incoming traffic to the proper device on a LAN.

To configure port forwarding:

  1. Under Firewall > Port Forwarding, click the Add button.
  2. Select the relevant LAN Interface.

Select LAN unless custom interfaces were configured.

  1. The IP version and Protocol can be left at their default values unless changes are required by the request being serviced by this port-forwarding configuration.
  2. Specify the public-facing Port for remote access.
  3. In the "To" fields, specify the port and IP address associated with the intended destination device.
  4. If necessary, expand the Access Control List to create a white list that determines which devices are authorized to leverage this particular forwarding route.

Both individual IP addresses and entire zones may be white listed.

Packet Filtering

Enabled by default, packet filtering will monitor traffic going to and from the MX-series router. The predefined settings are intended to block unauthorized inbound traffic while providing an unrestricted flow of data from LAN to WAN.