Getting Started with Accelerated View™

The following actions are typically performed by your network administrator.

Changes can be made either at the device or group level. Select override from any given menu item to edit its inherited value, or navigate to the MX's corresponding group configuration page to update the config profile shared between all devices belonging to this group.

It is recommended that Accelerated View centrally manages the 6330-MX and 6335-MX routers; only resort to local management as necessary. For any questions regarding how to access Accelerated View, please contact [email protected] or your purchasing partner.

Viewing & Editing Group Configurations

To bring up a device in the configuration portal:

  1. Use the search bar to filter devices by MAC address.

The router's MAC address is on its bottom label.

  1. Select the MAC address of your router and bring up its Details page.
  2. Navigate to the Configuration tab of the left-side menu.
  3. Follow the Edit Group Configuration link.
  4. Adjust the necessary settings, clicking the Update button to apply any changes.

Devices will automatically apply configuration updates after the next daily sync (1am UTC by default). Refer to the Remote Commands sections for details on how to apply changes sooner.

Upgrading Firmware

When the MX-series router is updating firmware, its LEDs will flash red and yellow. Do NOT remove power from the device during this process.

To view or select new firmware:

  1. Navigate to the Configuration tab of the left-side menu.
  2. Follow the Edit Group Configuration link.
  3. Locate the Firmware pull-down menu.
  4. Select on the intended version and wait for the settings to finish loading.
  5. Click on the Update button at the bottom of the page to confirm firmware selection.

Using Remote Commands

Accelerated View maintains a connection to all online client devices registered with the service.

Using this "tunnel," network administrators can send a specific set of remote commands that will be received immediately as opposed to waiting to check in and apply any changes propagated from the cloud. The following remote commands are available:

  • Check Status
  • Check Signal Strength
  • Perform Speed Test
  • ARPing Attached Device
  • Send Wake-on-LAN to Attached Device
  • Check Configuration
  • Reboot

Remote commands must be sent to each device in question. To do so, browse to the Device Details screen and select the desired option from the Commands pull-down.

Select the Check Configuration menu option to update a device immediately.

Learning More

Details on using Accelerated View can be found in the Accelerated View User’s Guide.