Advanced Configuration Using Accelerated View™

The following Accelerated View actions are typically only performed by your network administrator.

Using Accelerated View to centrally manage your device is recommended. If you are not using Accelerated View, you must manage and configure your device using the local interface. Refer to Managing Device Locally section for more information.

Viewing & Editing Configuration

To access the configuration for your device:

  1. Login to Accelerated View and use the Search tool to search by MAC address.
  2. Select the MAC address of your 6300-CX to bring up its Details page.
  3. Select View Configuration in the Configuration section.
  4. Select the Edit pencil icon at the top right of the page to make changes.

The 6300-CX will automatically support configuration updates after the next daily sync around 1AM UTC. To apply changes sooner than the next scheduled sync refer to the Remote Commands section for details on how to send a remote command.

Upgrading Firmware

To upgrade the firmware on your device:

  1. Login to Accelerated View and use the Search tool to find the device by searching for its MAC address.
  2. Select the MAC address of the device to bring up its details page.
  3. Click on the Settings tab, then select the View Configuration link in the Configuration section of the page.
  4. Once viewing the configuration profile, select the Edit pencil icon at the top right of the page.
  5. Select the appropriate firmware version from the Firmware drop-down list.
  6. Click the Update button.

Defining a Custom APN

If your device is unable to sync with Accelerated View because the device cannot establish a cellular connection without a custom APN refer to Managing Device Locally section.

  1. Login to Accelerated View and use the Search tool to find the 6300-CX by searching for its MAC address.
  2. Select the MAC address of the 6300-CX to bring up its details page.
  3. Select the View Configuration link in the Configuration section of the page.
  4. Once viewing the configuration profile, select the Edit pencil icon at the top right of the page.
  5. Type in the custom APN into the APN entry located in the Modem section of the configuration.
  6. Optional: If the custom APN requires a specific username and password, please input those into the Username and Password entries located in the Modem section of the configuration.
  7. Click the Update button.

Using Remote Commands

The Accelerated View management portal allows you to send a specific set of remote commands to the device to provide control over the device without requiring any onsite interaction. These remote commands allow you to perform actions such as rebooting the device, triggering a configuration sync with Accelerated View, perform network speed tests, immediately probing the device for a real-time status, and more.

To send a remote command to an Accelerated 6300-CX:

  1. Login to Accelerated View and use the Search tool to find the device by searching for its MAC address.
  2. Select the MAC address of the device to bring up its details page.
  3. Select the Commands drop-down list at the top-right of the page.

Immediately Update Device

  1. Select Remote Commands.
  2. Select Check Configuration option from the Commands drop-down.

Establishing WAN connectivity via Ethernet Port

In order to provide a cellular connection to client devices, the Accelerated 6300-CX can be configured either in the default Passthrough (i.e. bridge) mode or DHCP Server/Router mode.

Passthrough/Bridge Mode

In this default mode, the device operates as a transparent bridge and all traffic on all ports is passed directly to and from the client device connected to the device's Ethernet port. In Passthrough mode, a single IP address will be available through the device's Ethernet port. Only one client device can be connected to the Accelerated 6300-CX through its Ethernet port at a time.

1. Login to Accelerated View and use the Search tool to find the device by searching for its MAC address.

2. Select the MAC address of the device to bring up its details page.

3. Select the View Configuration link in the Configuration section of the page.

4. Once viewing the configuration profile, select the Edit pencil icon at the top right of the page.

5. Under the Modem section of the configuration, open the Passthrough section and set the

following options inside that section:

a. Check Enable.

b. Change Device to LAN.

c. Change Zone to Internal.

6. Change the Interface Type under the LAN network section

from DHCP to Static IP Address.

7. In the Address, enter in the IP address you wish to assign

to the device for its LAN DHCP network (i.e. the

gateway IP for the DHCP network).

8. Open the DHCP Server section and select Disable.

9. Click Save to apply the configuration changes.

Sample Diagram showing Passthrough Mode

Router Mode

In this mode, the device operates as a standard DHCP router. The device will be configured to hand out a range of LAN IP addresses to client devices connected on its Ethernet port. Standard router options are available in the device's configuration, including DHCP lease options, DNS options, firewall options, and port forwarding rules.

The following list of steps details how to setup a simple DHCP server on the device in router mode.

1. Login to Accelerated View and use the Search tool to find the device by searching for its MAC address.

2. Select the MAC address of the device to bring up its details page.

3. Select the View Configuration link in the Configuration section of the page.

4. Once viewing the configuration profile, select the green Edit pencil icon at the top right of the page.

5. Open the Modem -> Passthrough section, de-select the Enable checkbox.

6. Change the Network -> Interfaces -> LAN -> IPv4 -> Interface Type option from DHCP to Static IP Address.

7. In the Network -> Interfaces -> LAN -> IPv4 -> Address option, enter in the IP address you wish to assign to the device for its LAN DHCP network (i.e. the gateway IP for the DHCP network).

8. Open the Network -> Interfaces -> LAN -> IPv4 -> Address -> DHCP Server section and select Enable.

9. Click Save to apply the configuration changes.

Sample Diagram showing Router Mode

Learning More

In depth details on using Accelerated View can be found in the Accelerated View User's Guide.