Enabling intelliFlow

Difficulty level: Beginner


To enable Accelerated intelliFlow feature in compatible devices to allow the monitoring of system resource information and network traffic flow in the local management interface (WebUI)'s Dashboard page.

Note: enabling Intelliflow will add an estimated 50MB of data usage on the 63xx-series router's Internet connection, as these Intelliflow metrics are reported to the Accelerated View portal.


The purpose of intelliFlow is to keep track of the network data usage and traffic information, therefore the only requirement is that the device is powered on, and the local WebUI is accessible.

The comprehensive explanation of the Dashboard can be found in the User manual.

Sample Configuration

Open the configuration profile for the router device and make the following changes.

  1. Under Monitoring > intelliFlow, check Enable intelliFlow.
  2. Click Save.
  3. To view intelliFlow data, select Dashboard.  Once intelliFlow data is collected, relevant information will display in the Dashboard.