Local Device Management

NOTE: It is recommended that Accelerated View centrally manages the SR-series router.

If you are not using the aView portal, you must manage and configure your device via the local interface.

Connect to the router using its Gateway IP address: by default.

Username: root

Password: default

Once logged in via the local web interface, click on the Configuration link.  You will initially be shown a limited set of configuration options.  Start by enabling local management of the device.

1. Uncheck box next to "Enable central management"

2. (optional) If this is the first time the device has been configured, you will also need to update the root user's password, under Users -> Root -> Password

2. Click Save.

After saving the profile, the device will no longer attempt to sync with Accelerated View and a full range of available configuration options will be visible. Clicking the down arrow next to the name of a configuration option will display a pop-up providing help details about that option, including any default values.

The local management portal offers the same configuration options as Accelerated View, although changes made here will not sync with the cloud.

Passwords are case sensitive. (The default credentials are all lower case.)

Defining a Custom APN

If your device is unable to sync with Accelerated View because the device cannot establish a cellular connection without a custom APN, it will need to be managed locally before remote configuration will be possible.

To do so:

  1. Connect to the device's local UI by navigating to its default gateway address in a web browser.
  2. From the Configuration tab, enter the name of the APN that should be associated with this device.
  3. Optional: If the custom APN requires a specific username and password, please input those into the corresponding fields.
  4. Click the Save button to finalize any changes.