Remote Access

Skill Level: Moderate (assumes familiarity with SSH sessions)


To SSH into an Accelerated device remotely, using the terminal available via Accelerated View and a publicly reachable IP address.

If your device does not have a publicly reachable IP address, you can still leverage the Terminal on Unit via the Accelerated View IPSec Tunnel.


Devices can be managed over SSH so long as the external zone is enabled for remote SSH and web UI access.

The default credentials are:

Username: root

Password: default

NOTE: The configuration steps outlined below will open external access to your Accelerated device. It is imperative that the default password is changed to a more secure key to prevent intrusions.

Sample Configuration

Open the configuration profile of the device and expand Services. Under Web Administration, expand Access Control List and Zones to create a new entry for "External." Repeat this process for the Zones associated with the Access Control List under the SSH menu heading. The following steps reflect the sample setup indicated in the screenshot below:

  1. Under Services -> Web Administration -> Access Control List, expand Zones.
  2. Add a new entry for "External."
  3. Under Services -> SSH -> Access Control List, expand Zones.
  4. Add a new entry for "External."

Once the configuration has been updated, click the Terminal on Unit hyperlink available from the Device Details screen.