Enabling intelliFlow

Difficulty level: Beginner

Minimum firmware:


To enable Accelerated intelliFlow feature in compatible devices to allow the monitoring of system resource information and network traffic flow in the local management interface (WebUI)'s Dashboard page.

Note: enabling Intelliflow will add an estimated 50MB of data usage on the 63xx-series router's Internet connection, as these Intelliflow metrics are reported to the Accelerated View portal.


The purpose of intelliFlow is to keep track of the network data usage and traffic information, therefore the only requirement is that the device is powered on, and the local WebUI is accessible.

The comprehensive explanation of the Dashboard can be found in the User manual.

Sample Configuration

Open the configuration profile for the router device and make the following changes.

  1. Under Monitoring > intelliFlow, check Enable intelliFlow.
  2. Click Save.
  3. To view intelliFlow data, select Dashboard.  Once intelliFlow data is collected, relevant information will display in the Dashboard.
Reporting Intelliflow metrics to Accelerated View

The following config settings will enable a DAL device to securely send its Intelliflow metrics to the Accelerated View portal through its aView IPSec tunnel.  The IP is the internal IP address of the Intelliflow metrics collector in aView.

Open the configuration profile for the router device and make the following changes.

  1. Under VPN > IPSec > Accelerated View > Remote Endpoint, set the Hostname and IPv4 ID value to ipsec.accns.com.
  2. Under VPN > IPSec > Accelerated View > Policies, click the Add button and in the new entry, set the Local Network -> Type to Request a network, and set the Remote network to
  3. Under VPN > IPSec > Accelerated View > Nat, click the Add button and in the new entry, set the Destination network to
  4. Under VPN > IPSec > Accelerated View > Active recovery, click the Add button and in the new entry, set the Ping host to
  5. Under Services -> Web administration -> Access control list -> IPv4 addresses, click the Add button and set the Address to
  6. Click Save.

A custom script is also needed to configure the Intelliflow service to post its metrics to the Intelliflow metrics collector of the Accelerated View system at the IP address.

Open the configuration profile for the router device and make the following changes.

  • Under System > Scheduled tasks > Custom scriptsclick Add to create a new custom script, set the Run mode to interval and set the interval to anywhere between 10m to 30m, then copy/paste the below script into the Commands text box.
  • Click Save.

# adjust the intelliflow.cfg config to use the settings to reach the
# Kafka server used for handling intelliflow metrics on aView

# kafka-server =
# kafka-port = 8088
# kafka-topic = accns.aview.production.devices.intelliflow


internal_interface() {
  interface='br0'  # internal interface for MX/SR; change to 'lan' for DX/ConnectIT4 or 'eth0' for CX
  device_model="$(cat /etc/version | cut -f1 -d' ' | cut -f2 -d'/')"
  case "$device_model" in
  echo "$interface"

setup_custom_config() {
  cp /etc/intelliflow.d/intelliflow.cfg /opt/
  chmod +w /opt/intelliflow.cfg
  sed -i "s/^kafka-server =.*/kafka-server = $server_ip/g" /opt/intelliflow.cfg
  sed -i "s/^kafka-port =.*/kafka-port = $kafka_port/g" /opt/intelliflow.cfg
  sed -i "s/^kafka-topic =.*/kafka-topic = $kafka_topic/g" /opt/intelliflow.cfg

# Main
[ "$(config get monitoring.intelliflow.enable)" = '1' ] || exit

[ -f /opt/intelliflow.cfg ] || setup_custom_config

ps_output="$(/bin/ps | grep 'intelliflow')"
if ! echo "$ps_output" | grep -q 'opt/intelliflow'; then
  /etc/action.d/intelliflow stop
  run_intelliflow="/bin/intelliflow -c /opt/intelliflow.cfg -i $(internal_interface)"
  $run_intelliflow &

Once the config settings are applied, your device will post Intelliflow metrics to the Accelerated View portal once per hour.  You can view the Intelliflow metrics on the Intelliflow tab for the DAL device in Accelerated View.