LAN port with IP passthrough

Difficulty level: Intermediate


To setup a device attached to a specific LAN Ethernet port to receive the passthrough IP address of the 63xx-series router's cellular modem connection.


This article assumes the LAN ports are operating under default settings, which provide DHCP connectivity to devices connected to the 63xx-series router's LAN ports.  For more details on the default settings of the 63xx-series router, see the Default Settings section of the User's Manual.

You will need to establish the following details before configuring the 63xx-series router.

  • The 63xx-series router must be running firmware version 17.5.86 or higher.
  • The LAN Ethernet port you want to connect your client device to so it receives the passthrough IP address.


The following diagram shows a sample setup of a 63xx-series router with LAN port 4 setup to provide the IP address of the cellular modem connection as a passthrough to the client device connected to port 4.  Client devices connected to LAN ports of the 63xx-series router or its WiFi networks will receive a DHCP address in the 192.168.0.x/24 range from the router like normal.

Important:  The client device receiving the passthrough IP will only be able to use the 63xx's cellular WAN connection.  Meaning, if the 63xx-series router has a second WAN connection through its WAN Ethernet port, the client device with the passthrough IP will not be able to send traffic through the 63xx's WAN Ethernet interface.

Sample Configuration

Open the configuration profile for the 63xx-series router and make the following changes.  


Under Modem -> Passthrough, check the Enabled box and select the desired LAN interface under the Device drop-down.  For this example, we are selecting LAN4.


Ensure the same LAN interface is selected under Network -> Interfaces -> Default IP -> Device.

  1. Under Network -> Bridges -> LAN -> Devices, remove the LAN interface you selected for passthrough mode in step 1 above.  Removing the LAN interface from this section of the config is done by selecting the down-arrow to the left of the LAN number, and select Delete.  In this sample config, we are removing Ethernet: LAN4 from the LAN bridge.
  2. Save and apply the new configuration settings to the device.