Managing Digi DAL Devices in Digi Remote Manager

Difficulty:  Beginner

Minimum firmware version:


To manage Digi DAL devices in Digi Remote Manager instead of Digi aView.

Once the change has been made and has been picked up by the device, aView will no longer be able to make configuration changes or send remote commands to the device.  All further changes will need to be made in Digi Remote Manager.

Sample Configuration

These changes can be made either locally or on Digi aView.  

Open the configuration profile for the DAL device and make the following changes.

  1. Under Central Management, modify "Service" from aView to Digi Remote Manager.
  2. Save the configuration.


Optional:  Running aview disable from the shell console will also turn off all aView-related config settings and switch theDAL device to sync with Digi Remote Manager.  Example:

$ ssh [email protected]
X11 forwarding request failed on channel 0

Access selection menu:

    a: Admin CLI          
    s: Shell              
    q: Quit                

Select access or quit [admin] : s

Connecting now, 'exit' to disconnect from shell ...

# aview disable
aview: disabling aView services, reverting to DRM management

After making the change in aView or on the local UI of the device, go into Digi Remote Manager and add the device.

The device will now appear in Digi Remote Manager.