Port Forwarding


To access a client device on the LAN port of a 6310-DX using a specific port and the external IP address of the 6310-DX.


This article assumes the LAN ports are operating under default settings, which provide DHCP connectivity to devices connected to the 6310-DX's LAN ports.  For more details on the default settings of the 6310-DX, see the Default Settings section of the 6310-DX User's Manual.

You will need to establish the following details before configuring the 6310-DX.

  • The IP address of the client device on the LAN port.
  • The external port you want to forward to the client device.
  • The port you want to access the client device on.


The following diagram shows a sample setup of a 6310-DX with a cellular WAN connection and a client's laptop connected to LAN port 4.  In this setup, we want to access TCP port 443 of the client laptop from the external IP address of the 6310-DXs cellular WAN connection.  We will be configuring the 6310-DX with a port forwarding rule to forward external port 10443 to port 443 of the client device's LAN IP.

Sample Configuration

Open the configuration profile for the 6310-DX and make the following changes.  Under Firewall -> Port Forwarding, click Add to create a new entry.  Set the following options under the new port forwarding rule.

  • Interface:  Modem
  • Prototol:  TCP
  • Port:  10443
  • To Address:
  • To Port:  443