Configuring an OpenVPN Server for iOS & Android OS Clients


Difficulty: Medium

Configuring a simple (username/password authentication only) OpenVPN server instance on an OpenVPN-enabled Accelerated device.  Examples of client connection from an Apple iOS device is included.  The steps to connect a Android OS device client to the server are similar.

This enables a road-warrior set up to allow roaming devices (iOS/Android OS devices) to connect into a device serving an OpenVPN TUN-style tunnel connection.  For example on how to configure and connect an OpenVPN client on another Accelerated device, visit the article Configuring an OpenVPN Client on an Accelerated Device.

Relevant Files

The files used to create this article are attached below.


This article assumes you have basic understanding of server-authentication, certificates, keys, and the fundamentals of OpenVPN.  It also assumes the appropriate private and public certificate (*.crt), key (.*key), and Diffie-Hellman (dh2048.pem) files, as well as the OpenVPN configuration file (*.ovpn) are correctly generated.  For more details on generating these files, visit

The client devices (iOS/Android OS devices) require the OpenVPN Connect app from their respective app libraries:

The *.ovpn file will need to be imported into the devices for OpenVPN Connect to use.


The sample configuration below shows an example network with an iOS device connected via the TUN-style tunnel.  References to the Android OS are made.

Sample Configuration

Open the configuration page and set the following configurations.

OpenVPN Section Configuration

  1. In the VPN > OpenVPN > Servers section, specify a name for the new "OpenVPN" server (e.g. ExampleServer) and click Add.
  2. Ensure Enable is selected.
  3. Ensure the Device type pull-down menu is selected to be TUN.  This is necessary as iOS and Android OS only supports TUN-style OpenVPN tunnels.
  4. Ensure the Zone pull-down menu is selected to be Internal, as the clients are treated as a LAN devices.
  5. Set Address to, this must be a valid gateway in the network of the IP address range.
  6. Specify the First IP address and the Last IP address of the address range if different from the default values.
  7. From the Authentication pull-down menu, select option Username/password only.
  8. Insert the contents of the generated CA certificate (usually in ca.crt file), Public key (e.g. server.crt), Private key (e.g. server.key), and the Diffie Hellman key (usually in dh2048.pem) in their respective fields.  The contents will be hidden when the configuration is saved.

Full files used in this example are attached in the Relevant Files section above.

Authentication Section Configuration

The following configurations add a new user/group to handle OpenVPN access:

  1. In the Authentication > Groups section, specify a name for the OpenVPN group (e.g. egGroup).
  2. Select OpenVPN access.
  3. Expand OpenVPN tab, using the pull-down menu next to Tunnel, select appropriate OpenVPN instance, e.g. Server: ExampleServer.
  4. In the Authentication > Users section, specify a name for a new OpenVPN user (e.g. egUser).
  5. In the new egUser user section, ensure Enable is checked, and specify a password for this user (e.g. egPassword).
  6. In the egUser > Groups section, click Add and from the pull-down, select the OpenVPN group you wish to affiliate with this user (e.g. egGroup).
  7. Press Save at the bottom of the configuration page to save changes.

The OpenVPN server should now be operational.  The next step is to connect a roaming device to the server by loading a *.ovpn file in  OpenVPN Connect.  Below is an example root_default_tun.ovpn file (attached):

dev tun
proto udp
remote 1194
resolv-retry infinite
remote-cert-tls server
cipher AES-256-CBC
verb 3
Click to copy

OpenVPN Connect on a mobile device may not require the auth-user-pass option.  If the option is used, make sure there is no argument passed (i.e. pass.txt) as the application will try to search for the file locally.

Also ensure the correct static IP address and port is inserted in the "remote" line.

Example Client Device Set Up

The following example is taken from an iOS device.  The steps are similar for an Android OS device:

  1. Download and install OpenVPN Connect from App Store.
  2. Transfer the *.ovpn file to the iOS device.  One way is to send it via an email attachment, open it in the Mail app and select Copy to OpenVPN.
  3. In the OpenVPN app, insert the appropriate credential for the server as it was set up during the certificate/key file creation phase.  Save the credential as desired.
  4. Select the switch beneath Disconnected to initiate the connection.

If the configuration is set up correctly, the OpenVPN Connect app will show all the active connection details.

Note for Android OS users:  Step 2 - locating and opening the *.ovpn file can be quite different from an iOS device.  You will need to apply the correct steps to load the ovpn file into OpenVPN Connect on Android.