LAN port with IP passthrough

Difficulty level: Easy


To setup a device attached to the LAN Ethernet port 1 to receive the passthrough IP address of the 6310-DX's cellular modem connection.


This article assumes the 6310-DX Cellular Extender is operating under default settings, which provides DHCP connectivity to device(s) connected on LAN port 1 of the 6310-DX.  For more details on the default settings of the 6310-DX, see the Default Settings section of the User's Manual.

The 6310-DX must be running firmware version 17.5.86 or higher.


The following diagram shows a sample setup of a 6310-DX with its LAN port 1 setup to provide the IP address of the cellular modem connection as a passthrough to the client device connected to port 1.

Important:  The client device receiving the passthrough IP will only be able to use the 6310-DX's cellular WAN connection.  Meaning, if the 6310-DX has a second WAN connection through its WAN Ethernet port, the client device with the passthrough IP will not be able to send traffic through the 6310-DX's WAN Ethernet interface.

Sample Configuration

Open the configuration profile for the 63xx-series device and make the following changes.  

  1. Under Modem -> Passthrough, check the Enabled box and select the LAN interface under the Device drop-down.

  2. De-select the  Network -> Interfaces -> LAN -> Enable checkbox.

  3. Save and apply the new configuration settings to the device.