Default Settings

Ethernet ports

  • Ports 1 is configured as a LAN port in router mode, and will issue an IP address via DHCP to client devices.
  • Port 2 is configured as a WAN port and will accept a DHCP IP address from the existing local network router.

Interface Priorities

  • WAN set at a metric of 1

This metric sets the WAN port as the DX's primary network connection.

  • Modem (cellular) at a metric of 3

Modem Configuration

  • SIM Failover after 5 attempts
  • Carrier Smart Select™ enabled

Network Settings

  • LAN subnet of
  • DHCP enabled
  • Source NAT enabled (outbound traffic)

WAN Failover Conditions

  • Connectivity monitoring enabled for WAN
  • HTTP and Ping test: 4 attempts set at a 30s interval

Security Policies

  • Packet Filtering set to block all inbound traffic
  • SSH, Web Admin, and Local GUI access enabled