Data Usage Estimates

The 63xx devices are designed to be sensitive to the data usage on a customer's wireless data plan.  Careful consideration was applied to add reporting, alerting, and remote control features through the best-of-breed Accelerated View™ cloud management system.  Please note that even though the service was designed with standard reporting/ control intervals these values can be adjusted downward to obtain near-zero data utilization or, conversely, remote services can be tuned up for more aggressive monitoring at the expense of additional data utilization.

NOTE: These values are estimates to be used for planning purposes -- the actual carrier data measurement may vary.

Data Consumption for Accelerated View Services

Service/ Function Status/ Interval Usage Notes
Cloud-based Reporting/ Configuration Standard (every 30 min) 3MB (per month) Includes one startup sequence
Remote Control (IPSec tunnel) Central management is enabled by default 25MB (per month) Minimum keep-alive traffic

For deployments with heightened sensitivity toward data usage, the IPSec remote control tunnel can be disabled. Cloud-based reporting and configuration can still be accomplished via SMS commands that are not subject usage metering on mobile data plans. Please consult Accelerated for more information before leveraging this approach, "Option 2" in the table below.

NOTE: Charges for SMS messages may apply. Please consult your cellular carrier for billing details.

Service/ Function Status/ Interval Usage Notes
Option 2 (Contact Accelerated for help) IPSec disabled 2MB Uses SMS on demand

Itemized Breakdown of Services via Accelerated View

Service/ Function Status/ Interval Usage Notes
Syslog check-in Every 30 minutes 1KB Used for reporting and alerts
Configuration check-in Once nightly -- 1am (UTC) 12KB Recommended for remote management
Boot-up sequence Each device reboot 24KB Used for reporting and remote management
Device firmware upgrade As needed (~8 releases per year) 10MB Updates device firmware upon new release
Modem firmware upgrade As needed (less frequent than device firmware updates) 60MB Updates firmware on the embedded cellular modem