Local User Management

Skill level: Beginner


To create a new user and/or change the password of the default root user.


Open the configuration profile for the 63xx-series device and make the following changes:

  1. To update the root user password, enter in the new password in the in the Authentication -> Users -> root -> Password option.
  2. To create a new local admin user:
    1. Under Authentication -> Users -> Add User, enter in the new username and click Add.
    2. Enter in the password for the new user
    3. Under Groups for the new user, select the default admin group.  You can create a new group, or edit the admin group's priviledges through the Authentication -> Groups section of the configuration profile.
  3. Click Save or Update to apply the changes.

NOTE: After saving a user's password, it is stored as a salted hash for security purposes. Clicking show prior to committing the password will reveal the true value; clicking show after that password has been saved reveals the salted hash.