Interface Configuration

Changing the LAN Subnet

The default subnet -- -- is set in the IPv4 Address field of the LAN interface, and can be adjusted to any range of private IPs by completing the following steps:

  1. Expand the configuration page to Network > Interfaces.
  2. Select the LAN interface that needs to be adjusted and expand its IPv4 entry.
  3. The Address field contains the range of IPs available for assignment.

NOTE: The subnet mask must also be specified.

Changes made to the IPv4 Address must also be updated in the DHCP server entry to preserve functionality.

Creating New Interfaces

Additional interfaces may be configured to further differentiate port functionality:

  1. Expand the configuration page to Network > Interfaces.
  2. Name the new Interface using the text field at the bottom of the list, clicking the Add button to continue.
  3. Ensure the appropriate settings are entered into the new collapsible section generated for the interface:
    • The Enable checkbox must remain selected.
    • Interface Type will stay Ethernet.
    • The default Zone, "Any," suffices unless security policies necessitate a different selection.
    • Device establishes which port(s) are assigned to the new interface.
    • Expand the IPv4 category to specify the Interface type and the desired address range.
    • Additional settings for DNS and DHCP configuration can be adjusted as necessary.
    • Refer to the Failover section for information on Connectivity Monitoring.

This assumes a static (private) IP is desired for the interface.

VLAN Management

Before creating a Virtual LAN route for the DX-series cellular extender, be sure that its corresponding LAN interface has been configured (per the steps on the previous page).

The interface's Device must be set to only include the port(s) that will be utilizing the VLAN designation. Use the pull-down menu to specify an individual Ethernet LAN port, or choose the "Bridge: LAN" option to assign all four ports.

Once the interface is created, it will be selectable as a Device in the VLAN's pulldown menu.

Separate VLANs by assigning each a unique ID number.

For guidance on how to create bridges with less than four ports, please refer to the Accelerated University knowledge article.