Device Detail display

Clicking a device ID on the Devices page will display the Device Detail panel. The Device Details panel can also be displayed by clicking a device ID on any device event panel, which are available in various places throughout the ARMT graphical interface (the Dashboard, Maps page, etc.). 

 The Device Detail panel contains all information available about a device, including its current operating state.  There are several tabs listed that provide details for certain sections of the device.

The first section of the Device Details panel contains the basic information about the device. The information displayed will vary by device, but will contain the following as a minimum:

  • Device ID and serial number
  • Device Status
  • Device Model
  • Firmware Version — This is the version of firmware that the device currently has.
  • Configured Firmware Version — This is the version of firmware that the device is configured to use. If this value is different than the value for Firmware Version, you should either update the device's firmware, or change the firmware version in the configuration.
  • Last Heartbeat Date/Time
  • An optional comment field. Up to 255 characters can be entered on a per-device basis.

The remaining information can be extensive (such as provided by an AT&T VPN Gateway, shown below), or more minimal (such as a 6300-CX).

The Configuration tab contains the device’s organization and configuration information.  These values are configured through the AT&T Service Manager.  Any updates to these settings must be done through that tool.

The Location tab contains the location information for the device.  If available, the page will have the physical address of the device and a map showing its location.  The current state of the device will be shown in the appropriate color.

If ARMT has valid GSM location details for a device with cellular capabilities, a second pin, colored orange, will appear on the map to indicate the location determined using these GSM details.  A line will also be drawn between the two pins.  Clicking on this line will display the distance between the two pins in meters.

The remaining tabs display data that is very specific to the type of device.  For example, cellular devices will have a tab to display cellular modem details (such as signal strength, phone number, etc.) while VPN Gateway devices will list tabs detailing their tunnels.  Information about the contents of a field and its meaning can be found in the appropriate device manual.  The following example tunnel tab is from an U115:


You can view device reports using the Reports drop-down menu. Note that when you view a Report from the Device Details page, you can specify only a range for the reports. See Reports for information on viewing reports.