Legacy Cellular Device details

To display detailed information about a VPN Gateway device:

  1. On the Navigation Bar, click Devices.
  2. Select Legacy Cellular.

The Legacy Cellular Devices page displays.

  1. Click the Device ID for a VPN Gateway device.

The Device Details panel displays.

NOTE: The Device Details panel can also be displayed from any device event panel, which are available in various places throughout the ARMT graphical interface (the DashboardMaps page, etc.). Click the Device ID to display the Device Details panel

The majority of details provided on the cellular device Details page are applicable for all categories of devices. For details on those table entries, refer to Devices. The device details specific to Legacy Cellular devices are listed below.

  • Cellular IP Address: The IP address received when connecting to the cellular network.
  • Client MAC Address: The MAC address of the client device (the device connected to the   Cellular Extender's Ethernet port).
  • Client IP Address: The IP address the Cellular Extender device assigned to the client device (the device connected to its Ethernet port).
  • Ethernet Status: The status of the physical link on the Ethernet port of the Cellular  Extender.
  • USB Conditioner: Indicates if a USB Conditioner hub device is connected between the Cellular Extender and the USB modem.
  • USB List: Lists the vendor and product IDs of any USB devices connected to the Cellular Extender.
  • Management Tunnel Status Indicates whether the remote command IPSec tunnel is up and active, or disabled. If disabled or down, users will not be able to send remote commands to the Legacy Cellular Device. Note that SMS commands will still work if the SIM card used by the Legacy Cellular device has SMS enabled.

Settings tab

The majority of details provided on the Legacy Cellular Settings tab are applicable to all categories of devices. The device details specific to Legacy Cellular devices are listed below.

  • Data Plan: The data plan assigned to the device. If the user has the ability to change the data plan, a drop-down will be displayed and lists the available data plans for the organization the device belongs to. Once a data plan is associated with the device, any cellular data used by the device will be tracked in the data plan, which can be viewed and managed by clicking the Edit button for an Organization.

Associated Devices tab

This tab lists any devices that the Legacy Cellular device has associated with, indicating that they are connected to each other. The tab will include the following details about the associated device.

  • Device ID: The identifying MAC address for the associated device.
  • Model: If the associated device is a type of device supported by ARMT, this entry will display the type of device ARMT knows it as. If the device is not supported by ARMT, the category will be listed with a dash (-).
  • Interface: The physical interface of Legacy Cellular device to which the associated device is connected.
  • Type: How the associated device is connected to the Legacy Cellular device. For example, a type listed as LAN indicates that the associated device is connected to the Legacy Cellular device's LAN Ethernet port.
  • IP Address: The IP address of the associated device.
  • Connected: Indicates when the device association was made and how long the associated device has been connected to the Legacy Cellular device.
  • Detach: A button that, when clicked, can be used to remove the associated device from the table.

Cellular Details tab

The Cellular Details tab lists details for the cellular modem. The name of the cellular modem is listed in the title bar of the Modem panel. In the example above, the cellular modem name is Sierrawireless340u. If a legacy cellular device has multiple modems, there will be multiple tables, each one corresponding to one of the cellular device's modems. A modem entry can be removed by clicking the red trash icon at the top-right of the specific modem tab.

  • Carrier: The cellular provider of the modem.
  • Signal Strength: The current RSSI signal strength percentage of the modem.
  • Phone Number: The phone number of the modem.
  • RSSI: The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of the modem. RSSI provides information about total received wide-band power, including signal interference and thermal noise.
  • RSRP: An LTE-specific value, representing the Reference Signal Received Power of the modem. RSRP is the average power of resource elements that carry cellular specific reference signals over the entire bandwidth.
  • RSRQ: An LTE-specific value, representing the Reference Signal Receive Quality (RSRQ) of the modem. RSRQ is a combination of RSSI and RSRP and indicates the quality of the received reference signal.
  • SiNR: The signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio of the modem.
  • SNR: The signal-to-noise ratio of the modem.
  • IMEI: The IMEI value of the modem.
  • ESN: The ESN value of the modem. Note that the ESN value only applies to CDMA cellular networks.
  • ICCID: The ICCID value of the modem.
  • Revision: The hardware version of the modem.
  • APN: The APN that the modem is currently connected with. Note that not all modems require an APN.
  • ECIO: The signal-to-noise ratio of the modem. The lower the Ec/Io value, the greater the noise.
  • CNTI: The technology type that the modem is currently connected to.
  • Band: The frequency or type of cellular band the modem is currently connected to.
  • CID: The CID identifier of the modem's current connection.
  • LAC: The LAC identifier of the modem's current connection.
  • Temperature: The modem's temperature.
  • USB Speed: The speed of the USB port(s) on the Cellular device, measured in Mbps. 480 indicates USB 2.0 High Speed and 12 indicates USB 2.0 Full Speed.

Cellular utilization chart

If the device supports a cellular modem, a cellular utilization chart will be displayed. The chart shows the amount of cellular data used by the device. The initial timespan will display the data usage for the past 24 hours. A user can select different timespans from the Range drop-down.


Location tab

The location details for a Legacy Cellular device are displayed on the map in this tab, and can be entered here as well.

ARMT uses the address of the device to query for the device's latitude and longitude coordinates and then uses the coordinates to indicate the device's location with a green location indicator on the included map. At minimum, the first line of the Street Address field must exist for ARMT to discover the location coordinates. If the address is not found, the device's location will not be included on the map, but the address information will continue to be included in the ARMT information.

Additionally, the device's location is provided to ARMT by its cellular modem. This location is indicated on the map with an orange location indicator. A line is drawn between the two location indicators, green (representing the device's location based on the location details from the Service Manager, and orange (representing the device's location as reported by the cellular modem).

Contacts tab

The Contacts tab provides the name, phone number, and email address for the primary contact for the device.

To add contact information for this device:

  1. Click Add.
  2. In the New Contact window, either:
    • Select an existing contact and click Add.
    • Enter information for a new contact and click Create, then select the new contact an click Add.

Click Edit to change the contact information, and click Delete to delete the contact.