Defining Organizations

The portal makes extensive use of a structure called the Organization.  An organization is simply a way that is used to associate devices.  All listed organizations and devices are obtained from the AT&T Service Manager.  The organization name is pulled from the customer name value configured in the account’s billing information, along with the Account ID.

Any device configured in the AT&T Service Manager to be monitored by the ARMT tool will have their organization shown here.  The device will belong to an organization with the same name as the Account ID, and that will be a sub-organization of an organization with the same name as the customer name in the AT&T Service Manager.  For details on configuring a device to be monitored by the ARMT tool refer to Monitoring Devices.

Hierarchical View

This hierarchical view will show all organizations and sub-organizations that the current user has access to.  Each line contains the organization name, and an Actions drop-down that allows you to:

  • View the devices associated with the organization.
  • Edit the organization settings.
  • View the data plans associated with the organization, as well as creating and deleting data plans.
  • Edit the SNMP probe settings for an Organization.

Actions available in the Actions drop-down will vary depending on the current user's permissions.

Editing organization settings

To edit an organization's settings:

  1. At the Organization page, click the Actions link to open the Actions dropdown.
  2. Select Edit Settings.

The Edit pane opens with the Information tab displayed.

Information tab

The Information tab allows you to include a description and location of the organization. Additionally, you can include an optional footer for the organization.

The footer text displayed at the bottom of the ARMT site can be changed at an organization level. When a footer is defined for an organization, it will be applied to all sub-organizations. To set or update the footer text:

  1. Navigate to the Organization page.
  2. Click the Actions drop-down link on the right hand side of the organization's row.
  3. Click Edit Settings.
  4. In Footer (optional), enter in the desired footer text. The footer text can be either plain text or valid HTML.
  5. Click Update.

Device Settings tab

The Device Settings tab contains all selections to enable or disable optional details or metrics for devices in the organization or its sub-organizations.

  • Enable Cellular Modem Data Collection: When enabled, the ARMT application will collect cellular statistics from all VPN Gateway devices that belong to the organization or any of its sub-organization. These cellular statistics and the Cellular Utilization graph will be displayed on the device’s Cellular Details tab. Refer to VPN Gateway Devices for more details. The cellular statistics can also be used to generate cellular-based reports for VPN Gateway devices.

Data Plans

The Data Plans tab allows authorized users to create and manage ARMT cellular data plans for the selected organization. ARMT cellular data plans allow you to establish usage thresholds for notification purposes. Once a data plan is created, you can apply that data plan to one or more devices by selecting the data plan on the Cellular Details tab of the Cellular Details page for the device. You can then select to receive notifications if the data plan threshold is exceeded. See Managing Notifications for enabled data plan notifications. The data plans list can also be exported into CSV or Excel format by clicking the Export button.

  • Name: The name of the data plan. Clicking on the data plan name will display a list of devices that use the data plan.
  • Devices: The number of devices using this data plan.
  • Data Usage: The amount of data being used by the devices on the data plan.
  • Plan Data Limit: The amount of data usage at which point a notification should be generated for the data plan. Note that for this notification to be generated, notifications will need to be enabled, and there will need to be a notification subscription for this data plan.  
  • Individual Data Limit: The amount of data usage for each device under the data plan at which point a notification should be generated. To receive this notification, a user must subscribe to the device and select the Device data usage over limit option in the notification profile. See Managing Notifications for information about setting up a notification profile,
  • Plan Start Day: The day of the month to reset the Data Used value of the data plan.
  • Edit: The Edit button allows you to edit the data plan.
  • Delete: The Delete button allows you to detele the data plan.

SNMP Probes

The SNMP Probes tab allows authorized users to configure custom settings for SNMP probes per organization. The custom SNMP probe settings for the organization apply only to VPN Gateway devices that belong to the organization; the custom probe settings are not applied to sub-organizations. By default, the SNMP probe interval is 15 minutes and 2 missed probes triggers a down status notification which means a device could be down for up to 30 minutes (15 minutes X 2) before reporting a down status.

  • Probe Interval: The amount of time between each SNMP probe. By default, the probe interval is set to 15 minutes.
  • Missed Probes Before Down: The number of missed probes that triggers a down status notification. By default, ARMT triggers a down status after 2 missed SNMP probes.