Cellular configuration requirements for ARMT
In order for the ARMT application to monitor a Cellular device, the device must send its syslogs to the ARMT syslog server IP address, the domain of which is syslog.armt.cloud.
In order for a Cellular device to get its configuration from the ARMT site, it must be set to pull its configuration from the ARMT configuration server config.armt.cloud.
Open the configuration profile for the Cellular device and make the following changes:
- Under the Central management section, modify Certificate server to https://armt.cloud/certificates/v2
- Under the Central management section, modify Firmware server to https://armt.cloud.
- Under Central management > Configuration Servers, modify Server to https://config.armt.cloud.
- Under Central management > Log Server, modify Server to syslog.armt.cloud.
- If the device is running firmware older than, you will also need to add the SSL certificate chain of the ARMT server. This cert chain is included by default in firmware versions and higher.
Under the Central management section, add the armt.cloud SSL certificate chain to the Certificate authority setting. The SSL certificate chain can be downloaded here.
- Save the configuration.